Malva Permakültür Çiftliği

Malva Permaculture farm is a field where systematic ecological applications of nature are modeled.
We use local and organic varieties in both fruit and vegetable species selections.
Our ecological agriculture applications:
– Preservation and cultivation of local tree and plant species
– Agro-forestry
– Edible food forest
– Wild beekeeping
– Natural Pond
– Free-flying chickens and geese and agriculture
Our agricultural practices ready for climate change scenarios:
– Investing in fruit outside the Rosaceae family
– Integration of low water demanding species
– Selection of trees and plants to create symbiosis between them at the same tolerance
– Mulching
We have been experiencing the most appropriate practices for 35 years and we are improving ourselves by receiving support from the academy. We visit the farms abroad and continue on the way with new ideas in the field of application that we have gained through mutual sharing.