Magic of Fireflies

Magic of Fireflies

Each year around this time, the bioluminisant fireflies start their dance after the sunset. They can be observed for about a duration of 3 weeks.
Vizyon Collage was at Malva

Vizyon Collage was at Malva

Vizyon College, a local high school 10 graders spent a day of observation and learning, accompanied by their Philosophy, Physics and Biology teachers.
Permaculture 101, Getting Familiar with Resilient Systems

Permaculture 101, Getting Familiar with Resilient Systems

[:en]Permaculture 101, getting familiar with resilient systems.  Permaculture: Permaculture is a system of ecological design that teaches how to create systems that can meet human needs while regenerating the environment around us. Integrates multiple aspects of green...
Visit of Ömer Ülkü Bey

Visit of Ömer Ülkü Bey

The owner of bio-logical preparations provider company Vit-Verim visited Malva, sharing his experiences.